Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies
The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) provides a national platform for gender research and teaching by faculty members from various Dutch universities and it offers a highly successful training programme and environment for postgraduate and PhD students since 1995. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers.

Postcolonial Studies Initiative
PCI (The Postcolonial Studies Initiative)
The Postcolonial Studies Initiative at Utrecht University is intended as a platform for research into postcolonial issues, specifically focused on their application within Europe. The PCI organises activities such as lectures, film series, masterclasses and seminars, striving for greater interaction with society at large. As such it brings together a number of researchers from diverse areas and disciplines, both from Utrecht University and from other universities.

GEMMA is the first Erasmus Mundus Master´s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe. It is a programme of excellence supported by the European Commission, which first selected it as an Erasmus Mundus Master Course in 2006. In 2011, 2017, and 2019 GEMMA was once again selected for funding under the prestigious Erasmus Mundus brand and distinguished as “a pilot project and model in the field of Women´s Studies and Gender Studies in a European and global perspective”.

Gen K
Study association Gen K is established to offer an academic, interactive, and safe(r) platform to students of all Gender Studies programs at Utrecht University, including the Gender Studies Minor, the Postcolonial Studies Minor, the Pre-Master program, the Master program, the Research Master program, the international GEMMA program, and alumni. The main objective of the study association is to allow students to come together, to provide academic depth, to organize activities, to enable cross-program networking and socializing, and to exchange ideas. Gen K offers an informal place to connect all Gender Studies students from Utrecht University by organizing fun and educational events, like their Bi-weekly drinks, Politics of Location series, lectures, screenings, creative events, activities, and a support group. For more information, visit their website, their Instagram, or join their Facebook group.

The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation is a broad association for academics, practitioners, activists and institutions in the field of Women’s and Gender Studies, Feminist Research, women’s rights, gender equality and diversity. The association constitutes a permanent structure for the growing field of knowledge and practice in Europe.

Terra Critica
Terra Critica
Terra Critica INCH is an international research network in the humanities, bringing together scholars specializing in critical and cultural theory. Its aim is to reexamine critical theory and critique under the conditions of the 21st century – given our immanent, terran existences, globally entangled across flows of capital, people, and ideas and living in ecological and economical multidependences.