Key Publications

Buikema, R.L., Plate, L. & Thiele K. (Eds.). (2018). Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to Gender Studies. Routlegde
Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture, 2nd edition is a comprehensive gender studies textbook with an international focus and relevance across a broad range of academic disciplines. This book is a revisited and expanded second edition of the book Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture (publisher Routlegde 2009, eds. Buikema, R.L. & Tuin, I. van der). Covering an array of topics, theories and approaches to gender studies, it introduces students to the study of gender through geographically diverse case studies on different historical and contemporary figures. The volume covers the established canon of gender studies, including questions of representation, standpoints and intersectionality. It addresses emerging areas including religion, technology and online feminist engagement, as well as complex contemporary phenomena such as globalization, neoliberalism and ‘fundamentalism’. Core figures ranging from Simone de Beauvoir to Gloria Anzaldua and from Florence Nightingale to Malala Yousafzai serve as prisms of gender-sensitive analysis for each chapter. This vibrant textbook is essential reading for anyone in need of an accessible yet sophisticated guide to gender studies today. Read more

Buikema, R.L., & Plate, L. (Eds.). (2015). Handboek Genderstudies in media, kunst en cultuur. Coutinho
Het boek Handboek genderstudies in media, kunst en cultuur is hét handboek voor studenten genderstudies in de cultuur- en maatschappijwetenschappen. Het is een onmisbare gids voor docenten en studenten in het hoger onderwijs die op zoek zijn naar zowel een overzicht van de laatste ontwikkelingen als een introductie in de geschiedenis van feministische wetenschapsbeoefening. Tevens biedt het boek de geïnteresseerde leek een kleurrijk beeld van een jong en politiek geëngageerd vakgebied. Dit boek is een geheel herziene en aangevulde tweede druk van het boek Gender in media, kunst en cultuur (Uitgeverij Coutinho, 2007, eds. Rosemarie Buikema en Iris van der Tuin). Er zijn acht nieuwe hoofdstukken toegevoegd en de bestaande hoofdstukken zijn herschreven en geactualiseerd met hedendaagse voorbeelden, debatten en theorieën. Voor meer informatie, of om het boek te bestellen zie de Read more
Buikema, R.L., Lykke, N. & Griffin, G. (Eds.). (2011). Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research: Researching Differently. London/New York: Routledge.
This volume centers on theories and methodologies for postgraduate feminist researchers engaged in interdisciplinary research. In the context of globalization, this book gives special attention to cutting-edge approaches at the borders between humanities and social sciences and specific discipline-transgressing fields, such as feminist technoscience studies. Read more
Ponzanesi, S. & Blaagaard, B. (2011). Deconstructing Europe: Postcolonial Perspectives. London: Routledge.
This book engages with the question of what makes Europe postcolonial and how memory, whiteness and religion figure in representations and manifestations of European ‘identity’ and self-perception. To deconstruct Europe is necessary as its definition is now contested more than ever, both internally (through the proliferation of ethnic, religious, regional differences) and externally (Europe expanding its boundaries but closing its borders). Read more
Thiele, K. (2008). The Thought of Becoming. Gilles Deleuze’s Poetics of Life. Berlin: Diaphanes.
A concern for this world lies at the heart of discussing the relation between philosophy and ethics. Kathrin Thiele elaborates in this book that in such endeavor one has to argue against two common misperceptions. Instead of understanding philosophy and ethics as abstraction from the world, she shows in what sense both are constructive of it; and instead of following the opinion that the poststructuralist philosopher Gilles Deleuze cannot contribute anything to the debate at stake, she shows that his whole work is speaking but one formula: ›ontology = ethics‹. Read more
Wekker, G.D. (2006). The Politics of Passion. Women’s Sexual Culture in the Afro-Surinamese Diaspora. New York: Columbia University Press.
Gloria Wekker analyzes the phenomenon of mati work, an old practice among Afro-Surinamese working-class women in which marriage is rejected in favor of male and female sexual partners. Wekker vividly describes the lives of these women, who prefer to create alternative families of kin, lovers, and children, and gives a fascinating account of women’s sexuality that is not limited to either heterosexuality or same-sex sexuality. She offers new perspectives on the lives of Caribbean women, transnational gay and lesbian movements, and an Afro-Surinamese tradition that challenges conventional Western notions of marriage, gender, identity, and desire. Bringing these women’s voices to the forefront, she offers an extensive and groundbreaking analysis of the unique historical, religious, psychological, economic, linguistic, cultural, and political forces that have shaped their lives. Read more
Waaldijk, M.L. & Grever, M. (2004). Transforming the Public Sphere. The Dutch National Exhibition of Women’s Labor in 1898. Durham en Londen: Duke University Press.
In 1898, the year Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was inaugurated, five hundred women organized an enormous public exhibition showcasing women’s contributions to Dutch society as workers in a strikingly broad array of professions. The National Exhibition of Women’s Labor, held in The Hague, was attended by more than ninety thousand visitors. Maria Grever and Berteke Waaldijk consider the exhibition in the international contexts of women’s history, visual culture, and imperialism. Read more
Essed, P., Frerks G. & Schrijvers J. Refugees and the Transformation of Societies: Agency, Policies, Ethics and Politics. New York & Oxford: Berghahn, 2004.
The refusal or reception of refugees has had serious implications for the social policies and social realities of numerous countries in east and west. Exploring experiences, interpretations and practices of ‘refugees,’ ‘the internally displaced’ and ‘returnees’ in or emerging from societies in violent conflict, this volume challenges prevailing orthodoxies and encourages new developments in refugee studies. It also addresses the ethics and politics of interventions by professionals and policy makers, using case studies of refugees from or in South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the Americas. These illustrate the dynamic nature of situations where refugees, policy- makers and practitioners interact in trying to construct new livelihoods in transforming societies. Read more